Ophthalmic Connections offers ophthalmic support to businesses, companies, organizations, and agencies.
Hands-on Approach
Although plenty of telehealth and research work occurs online, Ophthalmic Connections recognizes that a hands-on approach is still necessary in some circumstances relating to assisting an ophthalmologist in the field.

Research & Collaboration
Ophthalmic Connections can provide assistance with your current or future research, mission, or project goals through ophthalmic testing, collecting data, and documenting results.

Decades of Experience
With over two decades of experience as an Ophthalmic Technician and nearly 3 decades of being in the eyecare field, Ophthalmic Connections can be the resource available to work up front and personal with patients or behind the scenes with data input and administrative reinforcement.
Current certification is through the International Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (IJCAHPO) organization. (Available upon request)

World Wide Support
Willing to travel across the country or around the world based on ophthalmic support needs.